Virtual T shirts, (Imagine your virtual T shirt the way you want to) $ 9.99
Virtual Polecatz Buttons; (Imagine Polecatz on a button poised the way you want) $3.33
Virtual Peace Boots; (Imagine Boots that can kick the crap out of Diebold voting machines and angst, any color or size you imagine) $19.99
Extra large Imaginations, add $5.00
Virtual Books; $24.99
Virtual Leather hard bounds add $ 5.00
All books virtual best sellers on the virtual NY Times list
"The Wizard of Oil" (for children)
"Why Free-Dumb is so Expensive"
"Today is Tomorrows Yesterday"
"Yesterday is Tomorrows Today"
"The Future of History"
"The Post Future of Tomorrow's YesterWhen"
"Freakin Hate for Dunbies"
"The War on War" (or The End of The End part 1 The Begining)
"How to Cut In On a Piece of Operation Free-Dumb"
"Mein Kampf" (or How George will be remembered, in his virtual mind)
*{Mein Kampf; Written by Carl Rove, for Dubyah} Damn hard to mis-spell W.
All Novels written with the assistance of a giant "Brainiac" 1962 Election Computer

Polecatz4peace Virtual products for Virtually Everybody
"Virtual Films in Virtual 5d; Imagine a film in Five dimensions in Five-ereo Surround from all directions including up and down and behind, front, left, but not right.
All Films VHS or DVD; Haleberton "POP goes the Weasel" FilmwaveFerREAL Studio's.
Directed by; "Dick" Cheney, Written by Donald "The Duck" Rumsfeld
Music score written and performed by; The Queen of Rap'N,
"CON YO PLeeza Rice A Roni"

The Films;
Gone With the "W"
War and More War
A Piece In Our Time; (Or A Piece of Peace And Eat It Too)
War and no Peace
Oil, Oil everywhere, but no Air to Breathe
Iran; The Undiscovered Oil Country
All Video's come with an easy to swallow suppository; for that "I don't know, feeling"? Extra Suppositories; Priceless...
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