Our ViceDick, whom fart in the Cayman Islands, Haleberton be thy fame; They Kingdom Run, They White House Staff Evil be done in Iraquistan as it is in Washington.
Give us this day our daily Malfeasance; Misconduct or wrongdoing, (especially by a public official.)
; And lead us not into Quilt;
1. The fact of being responsible for a crime or wrongdoing.
2. Regretful awareness of having done something wrong; remorse.
For tax payers money and suffering despair, they comfort me. For I have all things I desire:
We the Elite People in order to form a much, much less than perfect, perfect, in New mis-order, do hereby make ourselves gods: according to the Pig god, un-holy be his name Bauboowie. And the Wealthiest; For our's is the power of illusionary fear and discord; To deceive in the name of righteousness and Free-Dumb for all.
I pledge Allegheny to the non taxable, no bid Profits, hidden in off shore. I will fear no morality, for;
We have begotten the diabolic Evil, And hold it over on anyone that could stop us. (Not to mention the Judges),
Surely, this cash under the table and all things malevolent shall dwell with US in The House of Representatives, till the world is un-livable All the last days of your life.
You shalt suffer whilst I drink B&B and possess the taste of Opium and it's rapture Prophets, sayeth our Trunk Monkey's in AfghanIraq.
Bless Be these Poor who are about to ebb or perish, for our needs of greed. For they are BRAVE and GOOD but just a comma in our Un-Holy accounting book.
So Have a nice Day, Eat Cake and Die, for your Kingdom is in the sky; And our's is in a secret
numbered account, out there...
Become of US; 1 Million, a Novice.
50 Million you are a Priest.
100 Million a Bishop.
500 Million an Arch Bishop.
A Billion a Cardinal
Many Billions; a Hummingbird to Vulture or any Damned thing you want...
Peace of Mind, Priceless, Impossible.
Purity, Impossible, Priceless.
Give us this day our daily Malfeasance; Misconduct or wrongdoing, (especially by a public official.)
; And lead us not into Quilt;
1. The fact of being responsible for a crime or wrongdoing.
2. Regretful awareness of having done something wrong; remorse.
For tax payers money and suffering despair, they comfort me. For I have all things I desire:
We the Elite People in order to form a much, much less than perfect, perfect, in New mis-order, do hereby make ourselves gods: according to the Pig god, un-holy be his name Bauboowie. And the Wealthiest; For our's is the power of illusionary fear and discord; To deceive in the name of righteousness and Free-Dumb for all.
I pledge Allegheny to the non taxable, no bid Profits, hidden in off shore. I will fear no morality, for;
We have begotten the diabolic Evil, And hold it over on anyone that could stop us. (Not to mention the Judges),
Surely, this cash under the table and all things malevolent shall dwell with US in The House of Representatives, till the world is un-livable All the last days of your life.
You shalt suffer whilst I drink B&B and possess the taste of Opium and it's rapture Prophets, sayeth our Trunk Monkey's in AfghanIraq.
Bless Be these Poor who are about to ebb or perish, for our needs of greed. For they are BRAVE and GOOD but just a comma in our Un-Holy accounting book.
So Have a nice Day, Eat Cake and Die, for your Kingdom is in the sky; And our's is in a secret
numbered account, out there...
Become of US; 1 Million, a Novice.
50 Million you are a Priest.
100 Million a Bishop.
500 Million an Arch Bishop.
A Billion a Cardinal
Many Billions; a Hummingbird to Vulture or any Damned thing you want...
Peace of Mind, Priceless, Impossible.
Purity, Impossible, Priceless.

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