Marcel Marceau

Politically Universal Idiocy
News. Analysis. Insight.From the Desk of Alliso Housto Editorpolecatz4peace L.L.O. Interplanetary NewsfrontPC4P (Copyright © 2006)
The Greatest Show's on This Planet

Marcel Marceau finally captured in Frech Iraqistan

Marcel Marceau became a terrorist at 77 years old and still refuses to talk; but he has mimed his hatred for George Bush. After moving to Iraqistan to join Saddam, He mimed Weapons of Mass Denial and Distraction. He will be shipped to Quantanamo bay prison on 9/25/ 2006, And he will speaks for The Oil War's and praises The Dubyah. His quiet funeral will be held on 11/24/2006, after his final show and an attempted Mime style escape!
Press Release 9/22/2006
Donald "The Duck" Rumsfeld said "World Renowned Mime Artist Marcel Marceau to Perform at Haleburton World; Quantanamo Bay Cuba after his all day and 2 night show at Dubya's Ranch! September 23, 24th 2006 Tickets for the Ranch Torture tour are by invitation only". The Clintons wont be there. Hillary could've killed Marcel 8 years ago, but no, The Clinton Administration was more concerned with the solving of problems (like the Deficit Me and "Dick" wanted) and getting their you know what's you know what'd. That's why 911 and 411 got started. You know I could be selling WMD to many other countries; Those were the good ol' day's,,,,Oh Well...
Individual show tickets are available to see mime "Fartist"; (Dubyah told me that one),,,tee he he,,, Marcel MarSO at The University of Texas at Quantanamo Bay, ON a Giant 168 by 53 foot (that's the dimensions of the universe "Dick" say's") Sony Cinematron HD TV all the doo daa day at the Fine and Performing Torture Arts Center in a cow field, (undisclosed Pasture) Information; and cavity search at Cowlick Central ticket and Marine Corps Recruitment office, Somewhere in Cuba. Call I 888-Die-Bold, For when you'll be there; Bring a Friend, between the ages of 17 and 45, tough women welcome. Childrens will not be allowed for the Carl Rove BushBitchBack show, but young attractive Males can apply for a discount ticket with submission and application of the guideform "How to succeed in the Republican World" of many wacky pleasures and notions, Ya'll come; cause we're comin' to get ya!!!

"We'll Get ya"!
Our Fuhrer "W", has Dictated;. Marceau, 84 years young, will be forcibly taken to the stage at 5:30 am Saturday, September. 23 untill 9pm the 24th. Then he will be flown to "Dick" Center at the fabulous Haleberton World Grand Casino in Cuba where he will be forced to perform through November. 23 in the CowlickCHENEY Center's Terrorists Auditorium and Lounge. Also performing with him will be Pierre-Yves Massip and Candiolezbo RiceARoni and Carl "Bozo" Rove ; as Himself and The Bush's Bitchin' Band Doing;
CARL ROVE"S BACK Live and his # 1 hit CD/DVD/RAM "Bush's Bitch'SBack"
Press Release 9/22/2006
Donald "The Duck" Rumsfeld said "World Renowned Mime Artist Marcel Marceau to Perform at Haleburton World; Quantanamo Bay Cuba after his all day and 2 night show at Dubya's Ranch! September 23, 24th 2006 Tickets for the Ranch Torture tour are by invitation only". The Clintons wont be there. Hillary could've killed Marcel 8 years ago, but no, The Clinton Administration was more concerned with the solving of problems (like the Deficit Me and "Dick" wanted) and getting their you know what's you know what'd. That's why 911 and 411 got started. You know I could be selling WMD to many other countries; Those were the good ol' day's,,,,Oh Well...
Individual show tickets are available to see mime "Fartist"; (Dubyah told me that one),,,tee he he,,, Marcel MarSO at The University of Texas at Quantanamo Bay, ON a Giant 168 by 53 foot (that's the dimensions of the universe "Dick" say's") Sony Cinematron HD TV all the doo daa day at the Fine and Performing Torture Arts Center in a cow field, (undisclosed Pasture) Information; and cavity search at Cowlick Central ticket and Marine Corps Recruitment office, Somewhere in Cuba. Call I 888-Die-Bold, For when you'll be there; Bring a Friend, between the ages of 17 and 45, tough women welcome. Childrens will not be allowed for the Carl Rove BushBitchBack show, but young attractive Males can apply for a discount ticket with submission and application of the guideform "How to succeed in the Republican World" of many wacky pleasures and notions, Ya'll come; cause we're comin' to get ya!!!

"We'll Get ya"!
Our Fuhrer "W", has Dictated;. Marceau, 84 years young, will be forcibly taken to the stage at 5:30 am Saturday, September. 23 untill 9pm the 24th. Then he will be flown to "Dick" Center at the fabulous Haleberton World Grand Casino in Cuba where he will be forced to perform through November. 23 in the CowlickCHENEY Center's Terrorists Auditorium and Lounge. Also performing with him will be Pierre-Yves Massip and Candiolezbo RiceARoni and Carl "Bozo" Rove ; as Himself and The Bush's Bitchin' Band Doing;
CARL ROVE"S BACK Live and his # 1 hit CD/DVD/RAM "Bush's Bitch'SBack"

Mr Marceau had this to say to this reporter;
"What the Freakin hell am I doing here, this Dyslexic (explitive deleted) Idiot Bush! He's crazier than Owl POOP; I wish He would just go La Poof up his ass!!!!!"
Tickets, which are $55, $85 and $450.00, can also be purchased at the Haleburton Ministry of Love and Entertainment Center box office, and All Excon/Mobil Gas stations. Box office hours are 10 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday and 4:30 - 5:30 am the day and night of the performance. Have a great time, We'll see you there or the gas prices will go up!
Tickets, which are $55, $85 and $450.00, can also be purchased at the Haleburton Ministry of Love and Entertainment Center box office, and All Excon/Mobil Gas stations. Box office hours are 10 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday and 4:30 - 5:30 am the day and night of the performance. Have a great time, We'll see you there or the gas prices will go up!

Marcel Mangel was born in Strasbourg, France. At 15, his Jewish family was forced to flee their home when France entered the Second World War. He later joined Charles de Gaulle's Free French Forces and, because of his excellent English, worked as a liaison officer with General Patton's army. He was married three times and has four children. He is unrelated to Bond girl Sophie Marceau; both simply have selected the same stage name.
We hope the Damn Frogs eat him, cause with the price of Gas we can't afford to fly him back to Paris,,,unless, do the French have Oil?
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