Draft notice from Polecatz4peace
Do you have delusions of adequacy? Do you feel as if you are where
you are no matter where you go? Do you have these symptoms; dis
grab asked, demoralized, discombobulated pieces of disgusting crap on
the mind?
We have the solution to all your problems; Upon your induction into
the Polecatz4peace system for a New World Odor. You will be reunified,
reorganized, re-moralized and feel as if someone!
You will run faster, jump higher, eat less, sleep more and have the
sexual power of a Tyrananosoras, and your ass wont be sore anymore.
If you are forlorn, forgotten or foreshadowed, you will be loved,
remembered and shine like a moonbeam.
War isn't our Profession, it's a hobby, for peace of mind.
We smash everything that stands in our way to peace, with kindness.
Of course; Close encounters of the 12 gauge kind are sometimes needed!
Think of the kindness encountered by dog leg crooked politicians,
when they see the smiling end of a barrel, they'll get down and pray
to be your Representative.
The right to bear Arms will be honored only if we wing em!
I tell you we're ahead shot away from a lasting peace in our time.
We Polecatz4peace south of the Manson-Nixon line; (Headquartered
in Truth or Consequences Greenland), for Esoteric purposes.
maintain the highest of Human principles, for we do not look down on
Peace geek's, greasers, type casters, mop pusher's, mobsters,
Immoral minorities, Catholics, or Baptists, snake handlers, but
we don't accept Diebold Employee's!
We accept drunks and alcoholics and of course smokers and we love
women of any repute.
We love you all; But we despise Petro-energy mongers, We even have
some assholes, SOB's and a few Biatches, very few.
Unfortunately we do not accept Tele-Evangelists, right wingers,
Republicans that have not been vaccinated. Duly elected public servant
Government ass wipes for the rich, but we do accept their money.
Remember, being a Polecatzforpeace member has been proven to
cure headache, assache, neuritis, arthritis, neuralgia, CON-servatism
and boredom.
So rush your totally non-refundable induction fee of 1 lousy dollar
and become a Buck private.
Become a General, for #500.00 so you can kick the crap out of some
other worthless feeling person to give you $500.00 to become
a General. Rank isn't just a smell, make a difference in your wallet
and ours. Raise a stink, kick ass and be empowered to make 25% off
of every General you kick up the ladder for this Pyramid of Peace.
In God We Trust; others pay a buck and then get kicked up to be a
General, for 500 smaoleons, the American way, with all it's honors
and perks. We are an Organization of Limited Liability Incorporation
not a gang. Raise that stink, and if forced to, be fair;
"S[lataumatic" 12 gauge magnum Auto loader and steel toed peace boots
for Peace sold separately, but with the purchase of Peace gear
we include a pair of blood proof wool socks and a full box of always
wild and never mild 12 gauge high brass P-lead shot; always makes
an impression no matter the range.
Don't miss our first peace rally picnic and turkey shoot, somewhere in
Texas ASAP!
"We've never made a mistake, thought we did once but turned out to
be wrong", after we discuss it with Diebold! Be left but don't be
wrong get right with the Polecatz4peace.

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