Iraq The War that keeps going and going, hehe runs on OIL...

Wake up and smell the oil
Hey that aint Oil
Save This Mans Life

Karl Rowe arrested for REASON.

The beginning of a great Wet dream, Karl goes to Homo World.

We still have time to save the world, rush so you don't forget; It may already be too late!
Put Democrats in power so they can Impeach Bush, and throw out Hastert, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rowe, and send ‘em all to Quantanamo on a water board and let ‘em eat Rice, or we're all dead.
Dubyah impeaches self

Look you can't Screw American people with out "Dick"!
I sold WMD to Sodom, I'm the Man without a plan, I don't have a clue, I'm Dick's Bitch.
Please; they shoot horses don't they?
There's a sayin' some where, Texas er Tennessee,,,A Bush in a glass house, is Irag up your Ass, with Dick er somethin' like that...
All Republican Pages will be bent over called Neal and Bob, or at least that's what they'll do.

Bush us insanely stupid,,,and I sole the weapons to Saddam that killed his people, so please convict ME for conspiracy you spineless fools, I'm the MAN who's been killing your kids with incompetence.


After Bush and Cheney are through with US
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