Mommy Can't the Democrats Impeach Bush and his entire Staff?

Mommy are Republicanz REAL People?
No Son they are cyborgs from an alien world, and they are called Republican'ts, because they can't do anything Right.
Are they all money grabbing, war mongering, right wing, manipulative wrong wing using Homosexual drug and alcohol abusing boy chasing con men; that want to destroy our American way of life and destroy ordinary people like us middle class suburbia Christian spiritual good honest hard working loving kind and nice Human Beings?
No Son some of them are Devil Worshipping idiots with a ego the size of Jupiter and they hate Jews and Muslims and Buddhists and their own Faggot loving half working money grubbing bottom dwelling power hungry asshole loving selves.
Mommy is George W Bush a good smart man?

HAHAHA,,, No Son he's a BORG, you know from Star Trek, those cyborg 1 thought/no thought Demons from Hell, that go around saying, "Resistance is Futile". No Son the Dubyah is a complete idiot controlled by big Money interests like Dick Cheney.
Well I heard The Dubyah say that the Democrats have no Plan for getting us out of the WAR in Iraq and that other place we should be looking for that Bin Lauden guy.
And That they were going to raise Taxes and make life bad for us.
Well Son. Think about this, the Republican'ts have no plan either, except to stay in Iraq to steal all the oil and the taxpayers money; And Bush and his rich Coc,,,,, I mean Rich Friends got us into a war that we had no business in; Furthermore the Dubyah has forced us to have to raise taxes because he's raised the deficit so high.
What does the Deficit mean mommy?

Well let's just say Dubyah; He's so stupid he can't spell a 1 letter word, W,,hahahahahah, W has stolen all the money in America and given it to big Corporations like Haleberton, who don't have to pay taxes and can charge the government any price they want; And he's given the top 1% of the wealthiest people a huge tax break. So by default the W has ruined the whole world.
What about terrorists Mommy?
Oh Well ya see W has created a Welfare terrorist Country in Iraq, you see all the Middle east hates us, which is now impossible to govern or control or be Democratic; Ya see it's in a civil war and it's just killing our National Guard troops over there just for money and political manipulation and propaganda; Of course oil and sub contracting over profits.
Mommy didn't W make a lot of promises to those religious extremists here in America, like stopping abortions and cheap energy?
Oh Son he made promises to everybody, he lied to all of us about everything.
Gosh Mommy, he's a liar a thief and a Moron huh?
Don't forget he's Dyslexic, can't read and a Deserter from his own National Guard unit, not to mention a alcoholic and a sociopath.
Wow Mommy how'd he get elected twice?
He lied manipulated those Christian fundamentalists, rigged votes and voting machines, He's probably the greatest Deceivers,,,well since Satan.
Oh my God Mommy maybe he is Satan!
hahahahah no Son he's not smart enough to be Satan, but Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld are. Remember Colin Powell resigned rather than serve with him, He's an honorable man. There's an old saying in Tennessee or Texas, You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool them all,,, All of the time,, We're all starting to see how he manipulated everything to get the power he never could keep.
W is a total Failure at everything except manipulating and abusing power. Why his own oil company was bought out of bankruptcy by Osama Bin Lauden's Daddy.

Mommy isn't that a conflict of interest?
Yes Son, they say Osama was the mastermind of the attack on NYC, but the Bin Lauden's have been friends of the Arbusto's family for ever.
Who's Arbusto, Mommy?
That means bush in Spanish.
I think it means crooked now,, here
Yes Son more Crooked than a broke Dog's leg Son.
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