It's all about Love, and Harmony, not monopoly, See with your Soul Open

TODAY; not ever Tomorrow; Let me just start out telling you one billionth what I know; Love is a 2 sided coin, 1 color red the other blue, 1 side is hate the other is you so you better flip that coin if you know what you're doing. "If you prick us do we not bleed?" The simplified Shakespeare; a master of loving, living and death, and laughing. "Tickle us do we not laugh?" Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps into its petty pace from day to day and all our yesterdays have but lighted fools their way to a dusty death. Life is but a walking shadow who struts and frets his hour, a poor player upon the stage and is heard from no more It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing...... "If you poison us do we not die?" The writing is on the wall my misbegotten friend Humpty Dumpty is gonad fall and all that King's horses and all the Kings men will hurt you over and over again "Wrong us shall we not revenge?"

A Poet Warrior, En Guarde!!!

A Poet Warrior, En Guarde!!!
The voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses!

Felt Tipped; You know, i know, Only can i touch.... through Your eyes -Wide, blue.....Very blue opaque with wild feeling; As deep as ink,,, permanent,,,,,,,,yet told, Felt tip. Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence; in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me or which i cannot touch because they are too near. © DITTOGRAFX L.L.C.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Don Quixote

Hey Don Key Hyoty, enough with the windmills, Get off your ass DEMOcrats and IMPEACH BUSH or we will DEMOte your ass too.

I'm going to Disney World and stay with Osama, besides there's more money in selling chemical weapons to Mickey Mouse Countries anyway...
The Al Qaeda Republican headquarters had no power; The goat died on the treadmill, we had no electricity for the Diebold voting machines, I flew to NYC but your incompetent infidel airport security could not get me through customs fast enough to vote before 6! Dubyah Eckbar!The Bush's are my friend and all but, if I were your president I'd have his head on a stick by now

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