It's all about Love, and Harmony, not monopoly, See with your Soul Open
A Poet Warrior, En Guarde!!!

The voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses!
Felt Tipped; You know, i know, Only can i touch.... through Your eyes -Wide, blue.....Very blue opaque with wild feeling; As deep as ink,,, permanent,,,,,,,,yet told, Felt tip. Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence; in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me or which i cannot touch because they are too near. © DITTOGRAFX L.L.C.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"I'm Telling you guy's this Tattoo will make us the most popular Con's in Prison!"!
Karl Rowe; With Love,,,,
Donald "The Duck" Rumsfeld
The Dick of Vice
Et AL,
The Senate Election could be decided here.

OK I help kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqi woman and children and thousands of our National Guard Troops, but think of all the money I saved on Veterans benefits. They're not in the regular Army so we don't have to pay them benefits. They are going to be so surprised.
There's got to be another Republican vote in there! Dig deeper!

I'll type very Slowly IMPEACH BUSH He has lied about every thing, it's a war for OIL profits and Haleberton
I'm going to Disney World and stay with Osama, besides there's more money in selling chemical weapons to Mickey Mouse Countries anyway...
The Al Qaeda Republican headquarters had no power; The goat died on the treadmill, we had no electricity for the Diebold voting machines, I flew to NYC but your incompetent infidel airport security could not get me through customs fast enough to vote before 6! Dubyah Eckbar!
The Bush's are my friend and all but, if I were your president I'd have his head on a stick by now

Is FcDonalds hiring?

I can still rule the underworld hehehehehe

Batman, I'm in Deep DOO DOO
Don't I need to learn to fly first?

Now I have to Join the Air National Guard and fight the oil war by myself !
But Dick'll hit me with a NUKE U LER Pretzel now

Satan Defeated

Did I lose my weirdo Christian Right Wing base?
I can still get you at the gas pump
Monday, November 06, 2006
When your best is all Wrong
REPUBLICA; If you have doubts

Do you have broken thoughts you cannot repair?
Are you someone else in your daily existence?
Do you worry about ordinary common people?
Are you fighting a moral crisis?
The answer is here REPUBLICA
The medicine for Republicans with doubts;\
And Democrats with a lot of money..
REPUBLICA works like a stimulus not unlike Crystal Methamphetamine, it swells the Ego by attacking the doubt centers of the brain, sometimes referred to as the Consciousness or Soul.
REPUBLICA is fast acting and makes you shake rattle and roll all the doo da day.
After 2 weeks on REPUBLICA concerns melt away and that relaxing I don't give a damn attitude returns to patients taking REPUBLICA;
Side effects include;
drug dependence
Spiritual ambiguity
Sexual deviance
Religious hypocrisy
Mental instability
Sudden moronic mentality
Sudden death
Genital warts
Viral infections
Blindness (Real and moral)
Loss of Appetite
Enmity (harshness)
Loss of personal and business relationships
War mongering
Liver damage
Ass ache
Kidney failure
Religions indifference
Outrageous debt
Disregard for Civil Liberty's
Forget fullness
Despised by All (including children)
Becoming a historical joke
Manic Depression
Total incompetence
More lying
Flights of ideas
Being constantly wrong
Total failure
Heart Attack
Hit in the face with a pretzel
Power crazy
Letting America down
Traitor ism
Being a complete asshole
Projectile Vomiting
See Related alternative organic Medicine: Denyitall, can be used with Fokitall;
Please take REPUBLICA with Alcohol, Narcotics, Stimulants, Tranquilizers.
REPUBLICA is safe to use while driving the country to total destruction, and is safe to use with Juvenile supervision.
Approved by the Federal Dumb Agency, FEMA and Department of Defense, Homeland Security and Osama Bin Lauden and Islamic terrorists everywhere,,,now.
See any Member of the House of Representatives for a very costly Free sample of REPUBLICA.
You are advised to not admit this to a Doctor or Jesus.
You should only use REPUBLICA under an invisible cloak of Secrecy,,,,Priceless!
REPUBLICA is like a snowflake, no 2 are the same....
REPUBLICA is a registered trademark of The Republican National Committee

The leader of the FREE-DUMB world is calling, Tell him we're all dead can we go now?

A vote for Republican't is a vote for Kryptonite

I wasn't in the freakin National Guard either; but your Loved 1 is, and they'll Die for OIL of US HEHEHE

Merry Freakin Xmas if I aint here...What year is it? Who cares I'm an Emperor.

There aint gonna be no Xmas, unless my Welthy do nothin Representatives are put in your stockings
We don't care if it rains or freezes, cause we got a plastic Jesus Karl Rove Gestapo Chief of Proper Propaganda.

Dick said I could write mt name in for Mayor FcCheese at FcDonalds for 2008

This way to the Apocolypse; "Et Tu Bitch!"

Bless you Cheney for allowing us to have the first Haleberton FcDonalds in
Baghdad and for the FcMac and the quarter pounder Mohammedburger with Sleeze.

Raise your hands and stand on a can and wait for the Electrician if you vote Republican't

I'll be hung before I vote for a Democrat; "As I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death I shall fear evil for Rumsfeld sole me Cyanide laced Mustard Gas,,Can I make my vote Absentee? Glad I could Help Republican'ts and Fossil Fuel dealers. I'd have killed Osama if he wasn't your Tcket in!
Long Live The Profit, Dubyah Eckbar!!!"

Thanks to Rumsfeld I got my own Haleberton HEROIN, The TALIBAN CAN!

You think I'm Crazy and stupid? Well who voted Republican't, Don't feel so bad Diebold helped, Allah Eckbar, FREE-DUMB; OIL is my #1 PROFIT, I Prophet on TRUST.

Vote Republican't, You're Magic Eight ball, GOT BRAINS?

No Rumsfeld, I said we need A Hand in Iraqistan

Damnit!! I should've bought Haleberton Stock, The best insurance is no Defense.

Vote Republican't keep Dick in the House,,,Haleberton Eckbar, No Bids forever and may FREE-Dumb Reign, here as it does in Hell, Satan bless the Civil War in Iraq; In Chaos there is Profit, and I aint talkin Mohammed.
We're starting our own fast food chain, FcDonalds twice the fat and MSG, with co-founder Donald the "Duck" Rumsfeld, He's our Bozo and I'm the FcBurglar, hahahahahha, And Condi can do the moppin up and take out the trash and Karl can flip Duh Burgers, We don't need him anymore.

I'm voting Republican't, THEY kept me FREE, Allah Eckbar FREE-DUMB

" Dubyah Eckbar!!"
I wish to remain anonymous; but I taught Bush everything he knew! Heil Dubyah!

Republican Voter registration in action.

After The elction We'll all be in a horse and buggy cause we can't afford the Gasoline.
Blog Archive
- Terminate the brain dead Terminator of America
- God Bless our Troops"Above and beyond"Please forgi...
- "I'm Telling you guy's this Tattoo will make us th...
- Damn Washinton D.C. has really changed since we ha...
- If you Damn Democrats Impeach Bush I'll have to le...
- ...
- Don QuixoteHey Don Key Hyoty, enough with the win...
- Nobody's talkin', Did I win again? Is FcDonalds hi...
- REPUBLICA The Drug FOR FAILUREWhen your best is al...
- If I say I talk to Jesus, do I have to tell 'em He...
- Votr Republican, get a free reach around, after, y...
- Mommy Can't the Democrats Impeach Bush and his ent...
- When I was a little boy my Grandmother read me thi...
- Bush "B...
- IMPEACH Them before they sell us all FOR PROPHITht...
- Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse; Where Dubya...
- AWW, Come on You know I'd be going for the jugular...
- Ya see For Haleberton to survive, you have to smac...