It's all about Love, and Harmony, not monopoly, See with your Soul Open

TODAY; not ever Tomorrow; Let me just start out telling you one billionth what I know; Love is a 2 sided coin, 1 color red the other blue, 1 side is hate the other is you so you better flip that coin if you know what you're doing. "If you prick us do we not bleed?" The simplified Shakespeare; a master of loving, living and death, and laughing. "Tickle us do we not laugh?" Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps into its petty pace from day to day and all our yesterdays have but lighted fools their way to a dusty death. Life is but a walking shadow who struts and frets his hour, a poor player upon the stage and is heard from no more It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing...... "If you poison us do we not die?" The writing is on the wall my misbegotten friend Humpty Dumpty is gonad fall and all that King's horses and all the Kings men will hurt you over and over again "Wrong us shall we not revenge?"

A Poet Warrior, En Guarde!!!

A Poet Warrior, En Guarde!!!
The voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses!

Felt Tipped; You know, i know, Only can i touch.... through Your eyes -Wide, blue.....Very blue opaque with wild feeling; As deep as ink,,, permanent,,,,,,,,yet told, Felt tip. Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence; in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me or which i cannot touch because they are too near. © DITTOGRAFX L.L.C.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Madness of King George,,,,,,

The Madness of George W. Bush:

A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis
Begin your journey as a spoiled little boy, with an over dominating family, that is, without a doubt, always right and everyone else is wrong.
Grow up as a failure over and over, and soon you develop a way to appear to be normal; yet you are very troubled and hurt inside. As your life progresses and becomes more and more difficult, perhaps desperate, because you are dyslexic and cannot read. You find ways and means to alternately hide and cheat to present yourself as a normal person. It starts in school when you discover with favors you can get your job done by someone else. Networking among the other frightened boy's that try to hide their imagined fears. Public embarrassment is your biggest shame you hide with ferocious ambiguity; After all you are trying to appear normal. Seeking all the old tricks and discovering new ones, just to save face becomes an obsession, and somehow makes you feel you are powerful. Power tastes good, it hides the bad taste of cheating and lying and it is your life,,,Now. Your template set you begin adulthood, but still, you can't read or worse understand the world around you. So, You make up this scary world based on your childhood world view. With money and this ferocious determination to prove you are better than most.You fumble your way through college, frightened every step that someone will find out, but in every emergency you have a wealthy and somewhat powerful Dad to pull you out of the mess you're in. You pattern your life as close to Daddy's so maybe he'll always help, seeing you as a
unfortunate chip off the block.After buying an MBA from Harvard, in 1977, Dubyah tried to slip into oil;Let me tell you a story of a boy named George, a poor unfortunate rich kid, that could barely keep his secret failings in his head; When 1 day he was shooting for the moon, and he missed, but up through the ground came a crude word. Oil that is, Greasy gold, Texas Tea, so the kin folks said "George, get out of here," So he move to Midland; swimming pools, cocaine and Maryjane, black label Scotch; He borrowed a lot of money and drilled there. But you cannot fool the Earth or oil men from Texas, they know the difference from cold crude and hot air, poor George was in a oil pickle. Aha, but there is Daddy, and he knows of another man with a troubled son. Big George Say's; "look nothing up my sleeve, it's Osama Bin Lauden's Dad and he wants to buy Arbusto, your busto'd energy Company,and as a special favor to me will allow you to puppet show in the board of directors."Oh Dad, there is so much Dirty Laundry, those Texas boy's might kill me; George says's, Dad says's"don't worry RUN for congress"!
He Lost.
"Dada what do I do now?" Dada says "come to Washington, help me become President again"!
They Lost.
Then as if by magic, along the hot silver mirage highways of the Pan handle, slithers a snake, and his name be Karl Rove, "Turd Blossom" as Dubyah calls him. With much smoke and some mirrors the boy George is made a Prince of Texas.
A Prince must become a King, and after killing more people on death row, than any other Governor in US history......
It's payback time for the oil boy's in Texas and the National Guard, where he had flunked out as a pilot. Damn hard to fly a plane when you can't spell W, right, besides Dyslexia looks like SYS LYX ADIC to him. He can't sit in a chair and punch buttons, poor boy needs a monkey to change channels on the boob tube for him.
He's on a roll, can't foul up as usual again now, so Daddy disguised as a ex CIA director and VICE President and Prez, orders Congress to move voting districts to favor the Republican right wing. There was so much money to be made in the Military Industrial complexity, enough for everyone to get a share. Because Big George will be fair if forced to.
Jeb, George's brother, (maybe they were going for Jed and Dubyah taught him how to spell), disguised as the governor of Florida, (another politician so crooked he poses for dog leg models), promises to hand him the state.
We're off and running to steal the Presidency, because Rich people everywhere need tax breaks.
Now the re-election, slither in Karl Rove to do as much smear damage as possible, but oh my gawd, "Dick" knows a company that can make voting machines elect Pluto for Prez, even if Pluto has been kicked out of the solar system so "La Poof" as Karl Rove likes to say. You are the boy king again; cast your Di bold boy's, Diebold made a President.

What did I forget? Ahh yes the 9/11 thing, I can't really make a solid reference to Dubyah wanting that to happen but I don't remember much talk about Osama Bin Laudens Dada buying Arbusto either.It is a fact that Dubyah wanted into Iraq, skip all the lies about WMD, which they were sure of because Rumsfeld had sold them to Saddam in the first place. Forget that the quite honorable Colin Powell quit because of the hypocrisy or Richard Clark was busto'd out reminding Bush that 9/11 was not just a phone number. It was the oil, Bush had to repay his debt to the oil men from Texas and Cheney and Rumsfeld have been skulking around Washington since 1969 and were good buds with "tricky Dick" Nixon but "he was not a crook"!Just connect the dots that are becoming more and more apparent every day, Bush is a dyslexic sociopath with Schizo-religious if not out right Schizophrenic tendencies. The only way he has found to be "normal" is to cheat, consider the Constitution, consider The Bill of Rights, broken so Dubyah can have his puppet masters way. It's all about the money, it's all about doing anything to appear like a winner. Lie to the religious zealots about you'll stop abortion for their vote, tell us the Iraq war will pay for it's self, it doesn't matter because Dubyah can't see 3 days ahead. Does anyone really think that Bush wasn't wired in the debate with Kerry? Does anyone remember Bush breaking the rules of the debate? Bush was told by the moderator your time is up and he said no I'm making a point here, where I come from (Earth), you just lost the debate. Point is Dubyah doesn't have to follow the rules of a Democratic society, and that's called ; Sociopath, Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others. (Compare psychopath.)Dubyah is a saber toothed Bozo, he's as dangerous as a Charlie Manson; Chief of Police. I'm not a babe in the woods nor is my Family, but if Bush was an honest man he'd be like my Grandfather: My "Papaw" had to make a late bank deposit and asked me if I wanted to ride along, he was accustomed to taking a Diet-Rite cola along under the seat with a stopper in it half filled with Jack Daniels. He'd pull it out and take a sip from time to time. We drop the bag of money in the night deposit and a woman approaches us walking and says "Excuse me but I'm waiting on the bus and it's dark out and I'm afraid that man over there, (pointing to a Black man), might try to rape me if I'm here alone." Papaw never at a need for wit pulled out his Diet-Rite, took a long drink and said, "Lady, if I were you,,,,I'd go ask the black guy to wait till I leave" , of course she didn't find that as funny as I did, but see, I know He was right.In a near perfect world we would have never allowed Bush to win in 2000.Forced Diebold to let us examine any or all the voting machines, if we ever even let them make voting machines.Assuming 9/11 would happen any way, tried to stop it.Never have attacked Iraq because Saddam kept any and all wanna be terrorists out or dead.I think Saddam and Iran got mad at US because while Rumsfeld was selling weapons to Iraq, Oliver North was selling weapons to Iran and we told them both " We want be Pal's".Destroyed the Poppy crop in Afghanistan or just took it for medicinal purposes, yea that's the ticket.Never send the National Guard to fight for the Free-Dumb of another country.Put all your energy into new ways of making energy, solar, wind, car's that run on hydrogen or water or even air, cooking oil, methane.Never allow American jobs to be shipped anywhere, but to another state. If Americans work they pay taxes of every kind and build up the Social Security system. Send a recipe book to all the OPEC nations on 100 delicious ways to eat sand, my favorite stir fried in 10 Dubyah 40.In Short, ask not what this country, our National Guard, the abuse of power, lies, disallowing the Bill of Rights, cheating, stealing from the poor to give to the rich, or murdering thousands of innocent woman and children, or bring about the Apocalypse Now, can do for you and your chums. Ask how you may sell ice water in Hell. We live in a pressure cooker, where anyone about to crack will, living from check to check, scared to death your job will be gone overseas or, let me ask you this how many Robots buy cars, or houses?I'm for progress but at least make new jobs with alternate energy programs and hi tech vehicles made here.When Dan Rather started leaning towards bashing Bush they pushed him out,

The Computer assisted image
of news anchors, why she looks like she's pretty, thanks to a Crey computer and a paint job...
"I'm mad as Hell and I'm
not going to put up with it

The current "anchor" Katie Tele-T-What, asked for a line to say goodnight, playing all the famous ones from Murrow to Rather, but the one she should go with is from the movie Network; "I'm as mad as Hell and I'm not going to take it any more", but I'll never know I wont watch her.Bring back Dan Rather! Johnson Killed Kennedy! J. Edgar Hoover had John Lennon killed! "Splenda" ain't made from sugar! Stick a fork in US were done,,,,NEXT!
And that's all Folks!!!!

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