We all pause and pulse
Like the waves
an ocean of deep emotions
even tsunami's don't quench our thirst
We play chess by the seashore
in some damned over hot sun
blister and peel, draw and lose
but never can win
I see your power pieces
I recognize the fury
there is a dance to this poetry
My Queen has lied down
Your king dying
but a pawn becomes a new Queen
and I will defeat you this time
I can tell
Closing in on the kill
I get that old nerve
the excitement that blood brings
makes big cats growl and roar
You have few pieces on the board
that aren't in danger
I smell the heat of the jungle
a silence before a dawn
Stillness embraces you
still you are cold and wanting
I could crush you out
like a stale cigarette
but in theory there'd be no one
to play or defeat
we're in too deep
wake me up before the dawn
so I may watch
the antagonists vanquished
smells like victory

AH 10/16/06 (9 am)
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