A 747 was about to crash, there are only 3 parachutes on board
and 4 passengers...

"Dubyah" Grabbed a bag under a seat quickly and said;
"I'm the smartest man in the 'hole world and I have to survive to keep up my good Presidentin stuff,, Don't ya get it?,,,,,,"

"Dick" Cheney grabbed a parachute and said; "I'm the most important man in the world, I was the mastermind behind that Iraq Payoff, I have to spend my loot!" and jumped to a splattfull death, (his parachute had been made by Haleberton.)

Condoleeza grabbed the next parachute and said; " I'm the most important Black woman in the world, I have to be saved," and jumped. Who Cares?

The Pope noticing a little girl and said;
" You go ahead little one, I've lead a good and full life and you should have a chance to live your life, Take the last Parachute little Angel and live with my Blessing."

The little Girl said; "It'll be OK Mr Pope, that man that said he was the Smartest man in the world grabbed my lunch bag and jumped, We can both share the last parachute..."

Mr Wizard President, who can't spell W,
Had a great fall,,,,,,,
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