It's all about Love, and Harmony, not monopoly, See with your Soul Open

TODAY; not ever Tomorrow; Let me just start out telling you one billionth what I know; Love is a 2 sided coin, 1 color red the other blue, 1 side is hate the other is you so you better flip that coin if you know what you're doing. "If you prick us do we not bleed?" The simplified Shakespeare; a master of loving, living and death, and laughing. "Tickle us do we not laugh?" Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps into its petty pace from day to day and all our yesterdays have but lighted fools their way to a dusty death. Life is but a walking shadow who struts and frets his hour, a poor player upon the stage and is heard from no more It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing...... "If you poison us do we not die?" The writing is on the wall my misbegotten friend Humpty Dumpty is gonad fall and all that King's horses and all the Kings men will hurt you over and over again "Wrong us shall we not revenge?"

A Poet Warrior, En Guarde!!!

A Poet Warrior, En Guarde!!!
The voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses!

Felt Tipped; You know, i know, Only can i touch.... through Your eyes -Wide, blue.....Very blue opaque with wild feeling; As deep as ink,,, permanent,,,,,,,,yet told, Felt tip. Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond any experience, your eyes have their silence; in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me or which i cannot touch because they are too near. © DITTOGRAFX L.L.C.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Amish Girls

Go Right to the left...

It has come to my attention that the Christian right is wrong, about a great many things.
Hate is not a commandment for the changing of minds, in other words to sway those you think are of a
non Christian belief.
It is a historical fact now that there was a man known as Jesus of Nazareth, or Jesus of the house of
David; I checked his social security card. His message was of love and peace for everyone. Admittedly
I am not totally there yet either, but now I try.
It is not our place to hate or judge others, especially in order to make our crumbling lives correct by
making others wrong. To make wrong for the reason of justification is bordering on attempting to be a
god. It has been written so. Whatever happens is a direct reaction to what we do or what we don't do,
but still that is not a reason to not love others or make them wrong.
What I must say will rock your world view but it must be brought to someone's attention, because it is so obvious to me.
Predestionists, that's what the little Amish Girls were, as do others, they had to die for the sins of others
to show us all about the true message of God. I know how controversial this is but never the less some
things are true whether you can see them or understand them. I am not to the place the Amish are in
living my life as a real Christian, because I could not forgive the man who did this terrible thing. But it
did make me cry when I saw them forgiving and even going to the mans funeral. You may not know
that a right wing Christian group, Baptists from Kansas were going to go to the funerals of the Amish
and scream that the girls were murdered because of our tolerance of Homosexuality. That is as far
wrong as the right can get in my blinding eyes, (I am Blind). I see the wrong in the Christian Right, they
should see the example of the Amish, and I'm afraid that's why the little Girls were predestined to die.
A little nudge from God to say hey stop hating each other and love everyone, no matter what their
spiritual preference or demographics, or social classification.
Feel free to hate me for telling you this, you live in the world of free-dumb.
P.S. Christians stop and smell the oil, we're in Iraq for the gas and our government lied to you about
everything. Abortions were never stopped, but they were promised twice in 2000 and 2004, (I'm pro-abortion), and you can buy over the counter abortion pills now, not even to mention some slime goo
women can rub on their secret place and get more pleasure out of sex. I have a free 1 for you, it's
called Love and it's 100% guaranteed. My favorite, the speed up your menstrual cycle pill so you can
have sex quicker, (if your partner doesn't want to paint the town RED). To not be sexist Viagra, for
men and Niagra for women, although I'd consider the name Amazon for the girls, (like the song goes;
"you make me feel like the Amazon is flowing through my legs"), and De-Nile for the boy's.

Courier Times Journal
The horror of Monday's Amish school shooting was magnified Wednesday by the threat that the funerals of five slain girls at the end of the week would become a circus of signs and demonstrators.

What could anyone have to protest about this tragedy?

Well, apparently a fringe Baptist church in Topeka, Kansas. Believes the girls were “killed by a madman in punishment for Gov. Ed Rendell's blasphemous sins” in speaking against the church on national TV.

The group typically protests at military funerals under the idea that God is punishing the military for allowing homosexuals to serve. It believes homosexuality is the root cause of the world's tragedies and runs the Web site

A Rendell spokesman said the group has been to a number of military funerals in Pennsylvania and that the governor, in speaking out against those protests, was offended at the group's insensitivity's.

In response, Pennsylvania this year followed the lead of a number of other states and banned all protests within 500 feet of funeral sites, no matter what the reason. It looked like the Amish funerals would be the first time the law was enforced. In a way it was, in that state troopers blocked all roads leading into the village where the homebound funerals were held.

In the meantime, Westboro Baptist Church members were cajoled into giving up the protest in exchange for national airtime. The “Mike Gallagher Show” — a New York-based AM talk radio show claiming more than 3 million listeners — offered the church an hour on the air, a deal the media-hungry group apparently couldn't refuse.

The two daughters of 76-year old Fred Waldron Phelps Sr. “did their same normal rhetoric and how everyone's going to hell and about how vile the world is” spiel Thursday, according to Gallagher, the program's host.

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